For a New Dimension of Health Care
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About Us

During the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the German Doctors Association, May 21-25, 2008, a number of distinguished participants got together to consider the situation of Ayurveda in Europe.

Everyone felt the need for a Europe-wide "borderless" association of licenced Doctors and Vaidyas. Their deep knowledge and experience would be 
     - an effective means for expansion of Ayurveda and of scientific research in Ayurveda,
     - a competent contact for European authorities, and
     - a mediator for the utilization of the great wealth of Indian Ayurvedic preparations and food supplements in the European Union.

The Inaugural Assembly of EURAMA took place on October 26, 2008 in Vienna, Austria. Many important representatives of Ayurveda from East and West have expressed their appreciation and good whishes for EURAMA: Inaugural Messages and Congratulations.

The Executive Board [Election day: Nov. 2, 2012]

The Founding Committee

© 2008 EURAMA | European Ayurveda Medical Association, all rights reserved.