For a New Dimension of Health Care
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Programme of the Inaugural Assembly of EURAMA

on Dhanvantari Day - 26. October 2008 in Vienna, 9.30 am till 4 pm

SATURDAY, 25.10.2008:

14:00 - 18:00 GREET and MEET, Hotel Post Wien, Fleischmarkt 24, 1010 Vienna,

20:00 The famous Mel Brooks' musical "THE PRODUCERS"
          at the new Ronacher Theater, Vienna (
          We have reserved tickets for interested participants of the Inaugural Assembly. Contact us!

SUNDAY, 26.10.2008:

VENUE:  ARS Seminarzentrum Hall, ARS (Akademie für Recht und Steuern), Schallautzerstraße 2-4, 1010 Wien

9:30 Welcome Address, Dr. Wolfgang SCHACHINGER

9:40 Traditional Vedic Recitation for Dhanvantari-Day, Vaidya Dr. Kalyan CHAKRAVARTI

9:45 Greeting Message, H.E. Mr. Saurabh KUMAR, Ambassador of India

9.55 Inaugural Address, Hon. Minister for Rural Development and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, Smt. Suryakanta PATIL
        (by video)

10:05 Greeting Message, Representative of Austrian Ministry of Health

10:15 Keynote Address "Ayurveda in Europe: Creating a Formal Home"
          Prof. Gerard BODEKER
          Chairman, Global Initiative For Traditional Systems (GIFTS) of Health (, Oxford, UK
          Division of Medical Sciences, University of Oxford
          Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York

10:50 Coffee break

11:05 "Ayurveda and Scientific Research"
          Prof. Dr. Horst PRZUNTEK
          Director, Dept. of Neurology, Ruhr-University, Bochum; outstanding researcher in neurology and complementary medicine

11:20 "Availability and Legal Status of Ayurvedic Products in the European Union"
          Dr. med. Oliver WERNER, Switzerland

11:40 "Quality Assurance and Patient Safety in Ayurvedic Practice"
          Prof. Dr. Robert FISCHER
          Donau University, Krems, Austria

12:00 "Initial Ayurvedic Research in Europe: Boswellia Serrata"
          Prof. (emer.) Dr. H.T.P. AMMON
          Institute of Pharmacology, University of Tübingen

12:15 Lunch Break

13:30 Greeting Message, on behalf of the Austrian Doctors` Chamber:
          Dr. Walter GLÜCK, Director, Dept. of Complementary Medicine

13:40 Discussion and resolution of EURAMA Constitution.
          (Please find the exact wording at

14:10 Presentation and election of candidates for the Executive Board, Scientific Advisory Board, and three commissions
          (working groups):     - Scientific research and research funding
                                             - Registration of Ayurvedic Preparations in European Countries
                                             - Graduate/Postgraduate Education in Ayurveda in Europe

14:50 Traditional Vedic Ceremony in Honour of Dhanvantari, Vaidya Dr. Kalyan CHAKRAVARTI

15:00 Signing of the EURAMA founding document (at the calculated muhurta = auspicious time according to Vedic 
          principles of Jyotish)

15:10 Presentation and discussion of future activities; resolution of Action Plan (Mission Statement, Goals etc.),
          appointment of General Secretary

16:00 Conclusion

Please note:
During the inauguration day lunch, drinks and snacks will be served at the cost of 35 EUR per person.


© 2008 EURAMA | European Ayurveda Medical Association, all rights reserved.